Soul Catcher

$15.00 Double Fan


Soul Catcher

(Petit 2011) Sev. 5.5" fl. 8" sc. Mre 20 buds. Fertile both ways. Very good rust resistance. The inward streaking pattern in Soul Catcher is mesmerizing, looking like the "dream catchers" made by the native American Indians. The violet patterned eye sits above a large green throat and is surround by a darker burgundy purple mascara band. The eye moves around the petal edges as a wide patterned picotee, surrounded by a gold bubbly edge. The patterning is set off by the very light, pale lavender pink self color. (Petal color looks near white in my garden. Flowers are usually only 5 inches. It is fertile both ways.)
(Ruffles Have Ripples x Ocean Roar) x (Blue Eden x Bewitching Eyes)

Contact Info

Debra's Daylilies
1400 McAlpine Ave.
Nashville, TN 37216
Lily Auction Username:lilipod

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